After the 7 day detox, I felt lighter and clean. The biggest change was that I didn't need to drink coffee in the morning. Then, I started to drink Isotonix OPC-3. It has to be consumed in an empty stomach to maximize its absortion to the body. It is recommended not to eat anything a couple of hours before taking OPC-3. The easiest time to drink OPC-3 is as soon as you get up in the morning.
You mix with a full cap of powdered OPC-3 and 2fl oz water. I started with double dosage so it was 2 capfull OPC-3 and 4 fl oz water. After 1 week or so, I started to feel so tired and did not have much energy. This lasted about a week. I told my friend about this strange feeling. And she told me it is "Healing Crisis" that happens when your take nutritional supplement.
The healing crisis has 4 stages.
The first one is called "Honey Moon Period" when you feel more energy, increased strength, looging good and better complexions.
The second stage is called Detoxification Period." We usually have a lot of accumulated toxins coming from food, environment, lack of exercise, and stress. The accumulation of toxin will lead to chronic diseases and it is the main cause of the formation of free radicals. According to the study of Dr. Robert A. Floyd from the Oklahoma Medical Research Center, if the body creates too many free radicals it will be harmful to the body. These harmful substances have been proven to the main causes of cancers, degeneration, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
Some toxins will lead to the formation of stone. If the toxins stay in the uterus, it will cause the formation of tumors in the uterus and worsen into cancer. Therefore, the removal of toxins is the first step of curing diseases. The American food therapist, Dr. Henry G Bieler said, "I don't use medicine, because I understand the principle of the old traditional cure. Nature will use the natural immune system of the body to do the real cure." If you want to get your healthy body back, you need to remove these toxins. Therefore, in building the "house of health", the first cornerstone is the elimination of toxin.
In order to remove the acidic waste and toxin out of the body, so as to return the body fulid back to lightly alkaline (PH-7.35-7.45), usually the following will happen: increase in frequency of urination, darkening of urine, their period owill usually be prolonged and lose more blood. Others will have abnormal temporarily cease of menstruation.
I will talk about the last two stages in the next blog.
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