Friday, November 25, 2011

Santander's Bankers are at Risk of Heart Disease

There is an interesting article on the Bloomberg web site; About half of middle-aged staff tested at Banco Santander SA, the biggest bank in Spain, show early stage disease of the arteries that could cause heart attacks or strokes.

The article pointed out “The issue of banker stress has hit the headlines this month with news that Antonio Harte Osorio, 47, a former head of Santander’s U.K. business, had taken leave from his post as chief executive officer of Lloyds Banking Group Plc because of fatigue.” 

According to the Madrid-based National Center for Cardiovascular Research known as CNIC, Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world with 1.9 million fatalities a year in the European Union alone.

High cholesterol diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and obesity contribute cardiovascular disease.  According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "785,000 Americans have a first heart attack every year, and another 470,000 who have already had one or more heart attacks have another attack." CDC also stated that the heart disease costs the U.S. $316.4 million in total  in 2010 alone.

Prevention care has been talked for a decade, and we individually have to take active responsibility to oversea our health.  Change your life style; move around, eat less and healthy diet, exercise regularly, rest well and get educated. Not only bankers are at risk of having heart diseases but also all of us, if we don't take proactive measurement.         

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